
#etmooc-T4S1: True Stories of Openness with Alan Levine @cogdog

I have been participating in an #etmooc course for the past couple of months organized by Alec Couros. (#ETMOOC Massive Open Online Course, Educational Technology and Media) The networking, resources, sharing and collaboration with people from around the world have been incredible. I started this blog to begin capturing ideas and resources I am learning about along the way. Unfortunately I’ve primarily spent my time participating in live events, reading all of the posts in the Google + community, and exploring the shared links, and haven’t gotten off the ground with my blog. Since you have to start somewhere I have decided to start with tonight’s webinar and see where this leads me. I am really inspired by @cogdog and am ready to start thinking about creating my own video/digital stories. (hands sweating even typing that!) But the openness and support in the #etmooc community is awesome for gathering courage and building confidence so it may happen! 🙂

@cogdog (the creator of the fabulous 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story wiki) inspired a great conversation in our #etmooc webinar tonight! He encouraged us to spend some time viewing the video stories that have already been submitted and to add our own story. Near the end we were thinking about smartphone apps that could be used for video storytelling. Glenn SISQITMAN said he likes Audioboo. What are other apps you would recommend? I remembered a great app I learned about from Steve Dembo’s keynote at the recent AzTEA conference: One Second Everyday (.99 in the app store for iphone/ipad)

Steve asked: if test scores aren’t telling the whole story, how else can we tell the story? He suggests these short video snippets one to two seconds long every day with powerful results! Even using it to capture your personal story is fantastic for reflecting on your life–a 6-minute video covers an entire year. It may even inspire you to do something special with each day. 🙂 A brilliant idea to explore in a class too–a single semester seen through all the students’ eyes.

This is the recording for his entire keynote but if you scroll ahead to about 46:35 you will hear him describe how he uses the app and see an example. His whole presentation was related to connectedness, openness and the importance of sharing.

Do you have apps you have tried for video storytelling either personally or with your students? What do you recommend? I’d love to hear your suggestions. I wonder if we could “crowdsource” a new wiki of “50+ Ways to Tell A Story” with Smartphone apps? We could model it after the “interesting ways” Google presentations crowdsourced by Tom Barrett and invite our PLN to share a slide with a tool and tip.