Mixwit – Great way to share some favorite tunes

Posted by Peggy George on Aug 3, 2008 in web2.0 |

Blog post update: (March 10, 2009)

Since I wrote about this wonderful tool, I am sad to report that Mixwit no longer exists. According to their site:

“Mixwit is dead, but the spirit of mixtapes lives on through the open source community. We just completed mixwidget.org – a new open-source mixtape project based on our former Mixwit mixtape.

Thanks again for all of your support. You can find us working hard on our new project”


I have removed my mixwit example but decided to keep my blog post since there is hope that their new site may provide us with a similar alternative.


I learned about this program from Konrad Glukowski’s blog. It’s an amazing strategy to use music for engaging older students! His example for classroom use is terrific!


Information from the Mixwit website:
Mixwit is primarily a media mash-up platform.
Where does the music come from?
Currently we’re using two music search services, Seeqpod and Skreemr, to allow users to discover mp3 files that are publicly available on the internet. Our Mixmaker application allows people to save a list of bookmarks to those tracks. The files stay in their original location.

It’s your mix, so make something unique. Add pictures, photos, artwork, drawings… Anything you want. Make a mix of your favorite songs and artists. Post your mixtape to MySpace, Facebook, Blogger, and others. You can post it on a blog, wiki or website too.

I decided to try it out just to see how easy it was to use and to search for some of my favorite “oldies but goodies” to see if they were available for my mixwit. It was both easy and fun to create and post to my blog and now I can enjoy my mini-playlist whenever I want. Give it a try. 🙂

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